Total Medals Earned: 1,603 (From 333 different games.) Total Medal Score: 29,150 Points
Medals Earned: 4/5 (185/195 points)
No Mistakes in Rooftop Scenario
No Mistakes in Dock Scenario
No Mistakes in Graveyard Scenario
Experience All Scenarios
No Mistakes in City Street Scenario
Medals Earned: 25/25 (500/500 points)
Find how Dr Noes made the original bacteria for the zombie apocallipse
Find the Dr Noe´s Lab Door Key
Dr Noe is a Noahs wanna be, find his animals
Read the news papers
Cure your cat
Cure your dog
Find the Dr Noe´s laboratory
Find the killer zombie machine
Find the master key, you can open all laboratories doors with this
find the Noe´s diary
Find the Noe´s memory card
Find time to read Noe´s diary
Find your sons photo
Find the zombie live cam on video
Win all levels on Malachite Green Dye Plant Samples
Defeat the Experimental Blue Boss
Win all levels on Orcein Red Dye on Blood Animals Samples
Cure your mayor son
Cure your minor son
Win all levels on Iodine Blue Dye Cold Samples
Win all levels on Radiactive dye nuclear samples
Win all levels on Iodine Yellow Dye Sea Life Sample
Cure your Wife
Rescue the Noe´s daughters
Win the game
Medals Earned: 2/16 (50/500 points)
You made 1000 Kills
You dodged 100 attacks
You restored 10000 health points.
You made 10000 Kills
You restored 1000Armor
You dodged 1000 attacks.
You restored 1000 health points.
You restored 2500 Armor
You dodged 2500 attacks
You restored 2500 health points.
You made 50000 Kills
You restored over 5000 armor
You made 100000 Kills
You restored 10000 armor
You restored 25000 health points
You dodged 5000 attacks
Medals Earned: 2/13 (15/500 points)
Pass the tutorial. 100 bonus crystals!
Reach 250 score in a battle. 200 bonus crystals!
Visit the credit page. 100 bonus crystals!
First time upgrade. 100 bonus crystals!
Upgrade a skill to level 5. 500 bonus crystals!
Play for 30 minutes. 500 bonus crystals!
Reach 500 score in a battle. 500 bonus crystals!
Upgrade a skill to level 10. 1000 bonus crystals!
Play for 60 minutes. 1000 bonus crystals!
Get the game for Android™. 1000 bonus crystals!
Beat the boss for the first time. 1000 bonus crystals!
Beat the boss 3 times in a single battle. 2000 bonus crystals!
Max all skills except for the skill that raises the amount of your lives. 2000 bonus crystals!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/405 points)
Start playing
Defeat Fruitcake
Defeat Eggnog
Defeat Gingerbread
Save all the Pups
Beat the game without dying
Beat the game in under 6 minutes
Beat the game without healing
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/315 points)
Checking out the game!
Finishing Level 5
Finishing level 15
Finishing Level 10
Finishing level 20
Meet Mr Wizard
Used the grappling hook successfully!
Finishing the entire game and killing all the red ninjas!
Medals Earned: 1/4 (10/135 points)
Break 10 crystals in a single run.
Break 50 crystals in a single run.
Unlock all Buglopedia entries.
Choose your destiny...
Medals Earned: 3/8 (20/230 points)
Complete level 5
Complete level 10
Complete level 15
Complete level 20
Complete level 25
Complete level 30
Complete level 35
Complete level 40
Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/150 points)
Solve the first puzzle
Solve 10 puzzles
Solve 25 puzzles
Solve 50 puzzles
Solve all 100 puzzles
Solve 80 puzzles
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)
Complete 6 levels.
Complete 12 levels.
Complete 18 levels.
Complete 24 levels.