
xxmtg's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,603 (From 333 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 29,150 Points

Die Hipster!

Medals Earned: 2/20 (10/500 points)

02 The Least Interesting Man in the World 5 Points

well! what is it!

08 Artistic Potential 5 Points


01 The Final Elbows 5 Points

well! what it is!

03 ePolaroid 5 Points

*looks skyward*

04 The Smartest Man in the World 5 Points

*points down*

05 Billbored 5 Points

praise the sun!

06 Endgame 5 Points

*proper bow*

07 Moustache Man 5 Points

r1 r1 r1 r1

09 Hitmen 5 Points

roll bs roll bs roll bs

10 The Mast Judgement 5 Points


010 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

010 dies lol

020 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

020 dies

030 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

030 dies

040 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

040 dies

050 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

050 dies

060 DEAD HIPSTERS 25 Points

060 dies

070 DEAD HIPSTERS 50 Points

070 dies

080 DEAD HIPSTERS 50 Points

080 dies

090 DEAD HIPSTERS 100 Points

090 dies

100 DEAD HIPSTERS 100 Points

100 dies omgwtf

Doktor Panic!

Medals Earned: 10/12 (190/210 points)

First Shift 10 Points

Complete Your First Shift

Second Shift 10 Points

Complete Your Second Shift

The Doktor is Here 10 Points

Treat Your First Patient

Whoops 10 Points

Fail To Treat a Patient

Get Outta My Way 10 Points

Get Shoved By a Business Man

Sick 10 Points

Catch a Virus

Ouch! 10 Points

Take Damage

Game Over 10 Points

Run Out Of Lives

My Favourite! 100 Points

Eat a Schnitzel

Bathroom Break 10 Points

Use The Toilet

Third Shift 10 Points

Complete Your Third Shift

That Was Easy 10 Points

Perform a Heart Transplant

Don't Escape

Medals Earned: 4/5 (90/190 points)

A Slaughter 5 Points

At least you've tried...

A Massacre 10 Points

You've saved some lives.

A Night of Terror 25 Points

With your efforts, more than a half of villagers survived the night.

A Frightful Night 50 Points

You've saved almost everyone

A Calm Night 100 Points

You've survived the night without hurting anyone!

Don't Escape 3

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/140 points)

Spaced 5 Points

That's an easy way out.

Escape Pod 10 Points

Escape the UEFS Horizon.

Decontamination 25 Points

Clear the Horizon's contamination level to 0%.

Hull Breach 25 Points

Make sure that the rescue ship survives after learning of the Horizon's fate.

The Truth 25 Points

Learn the truth behind Horizon's murders.

Lost In Space 50 Points

Make sure no one finds out anything about the UEFS Horizon incident... ever.

Don't Shit Your Pants

Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Doodle God

Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/70 points)

Doodle Demi-God 10 Points

Unlock half the category groups.

Doodle Almost-God 10 Points

Combine 60 elements to advance civilization and your card collection!

Doodle True-God 50 Points

Discover all elements.

Dots And Squares

Medals Earned: 7/16 (195/435 points)

250+ 5 Points

Score at least 250 points in a single move

25M3K 5 Points

Score at least 3000 points in 25 moves - beginner

25M6K 5 Points

Score at least 6000 points in 25 moves - beginner

25M9K 5 Points

Score at least 9000 points in 25 moves - beginner

400+ 25 Points

Score at least 400 points in a single move

560+ 50 Points

Score at least 560 points in a single move

640 100 Points

Score 640 points in a single move

120s1K 5 Points

Score at least 1000 points in 120 seconds - beginner

120sA500 5 Points

Score at least 500 points in 120 seconds - advanced

25A1500 5 Points

Score at least 1500 points in 25 moves - advanced

120s3K 25 Points

Score at least 3000 points in 120 seconds - beginner

120sA1500 25 Points

Score at least 1500 points in 120 seconds - advanced

25A5000 25 Points

Score at least 5000 points in 25 moves - advanced

120s5K 50 Points

Score at least 5000 points in 120 seconds - beginner

120sA2000 50 Points

Score at least 2000 points in 120 seconds - advanced

25A7000 50 Points

Score at least 7000 points in 25 moves - advanced

Drop A Beat, Giuseppe!

Medals Earned: 2/5 (50/150 points)

Rock On, Giuseppe! 25 Points

There's a place for everyone here.

Was It Worth It, Giuseppe? 25 Points


Con Passione, Giuseppe! 25 Points

Score 5000 points.

Someone Still Loves You, Giuseppe! 25 Points


Not Gonna Open Up, Giuseppe? 50 Points

Survive two minutes without opening the lid.

Duck Waddle

Medals Earned: 2/4 (15/90 points)

Beginnings 5 Points

Complete one level

Half Way 10 Points

Complete ten levels

Solved Them All 25 Points

Complete all levels

Completionist 50 Points

Get par on all levels

Duke Dashington

Medals Earned: 4/12 (110/460 points)

Incan Treasure 10 Points

Complete the Temple of Nenapmis!

Atlantis Treasure 25 Points

Complete the City of Atlantis!

Pyramid Treasure 25 Points

Complete the Lost Pyramid!

Volcano Treasure 50 Points

Complete the Mount Hades!

Atlantis Speedrunner 25 Points

Complete the City of Atlantis in Time Trial mode!

Flawless Incan Run 25 Points

Start the Temple of Nenapmis from the first room and complete it without dying!

Incan Speedrunner 25 Points

Complete the Temple of Nenapmis in Time Trial mode!

Pyramid Speedrunner 25 Points

Complete the Lost Pyramid in Time Trial mode!

Flawless Atlantis Run 50 Points

Start the City of Atlantis from the first room and complete it without dying!

Flawless Pyramid Run 50 Points

Start the Lost Pyramid from the first room and complete it without dying!

Volcano Speedrunner 50 Points

Complete the Mount Hades in Time Trial mode!

Flawless Volcano Run 100 Points

Start the Mount Hades from the first room and complete it without dying!